Showcasing your best seller product on your shops hompage is quick & easy with Ultimate Sticky Add to Cart. 

In most cases the app will automatically pick up the relevant product by getting its data from the template file.

In case you don't see the app on your homepage with the correct product displayed you can always set a custom product using the Sticky ATC API.

How to show  a custom product on your homepage?

1. Make sure Sticky ATC is enabled on your homepage:2. Visit  the relevant product in your products catalog and get the product id from the url bar:

3. In your template file, paste the following code in your index.liquid file:

  if(window.location.pathname === "/" ){
     var productId =  '1867259084871'; // Change this with your product ID
      window.customStickyProductId = productId;

4. Save the template file and preview the app on your homepage.

Need help setting up? Let us know - we're here for you.